deutsche bahn's network

including their platform numbers, frequent source of confusion and frustration to the layperson


This page is automatically generated from data kindly provided by DB. It represents the network's intended state in the year of our Lord 2020, not today's current state. Well, platforms don't run away that fast. Nevertheless: Caution is advised and no warranties are given.

For each station you can find the name (as it ought to be written on the actual signs), an address if available and various bits of data only interesting to nerds in fine print. Using the link "db-infoscreen" one finds current arrivals and departures, on "" there is official information from DB about the station, among other things whether elevators are present and currently in operating condition.

The gray bars with the track numbers on them are their shared platforms. Attention: Sometimes platforms have more than two tracks (e.g. two through tracks and one head track). On the page, the head track might in some cases end up on a new platform, although it is on the same one in reality. This is an error in the DB data and would have to be corrected manually for each confirmed case.

Too see a station's details, simply click on its name. There's also a pre-expanded list with details for all stations available, but it's rather large. If long loading and rendering times aren't an issue, the complete list is available here, though with German text only.

Based on DB Open Data (CC BY 4.0): Haltestellendaten SuS 01/2020, Stationsdaten SuS 03/2020, Haltestellendaten RNI 04/2020, Bahnsteigdaten SuS 03/2020 and Bahnsteigdaten RNI 04/2020. This site's source is available on Github. This unofficial third-party site is brought to you by Cass Dingenskirchen, 2022. All rites reversed.